Luxury Robes - Timeless, Seasonless

A slight daily unconscious luxury is hardly ever wanting to the dwellers in civilization; like the gentle air of a genial climate, it is a perpetual minute enjoyment.” --Walter Bagehot
Wow—Walter kind of said it all, didn’t he? OK, maybe this quote worked in the 19th century, but these days a lot of us wouldn’t even get it. Nowadays we’d be more likely to say something like, “Having a few little luxuries in our daily lives is part of what makes living worthwhile.” Take a luxury robe, for instance. Without spending a whole lot of money, you can enjoy the softness of cashmere, the warmth of mink (without killing an animal), and the coziness of a ski lodge in the Alps.
A robe? Luxury? Really?
While most people don’t usually place luxury robes in the same category as sable and diamonds, there is a certain quality in the right kind of luxury robe that makes you feel as if you have everything you could possibly want wrapped around your body. With today’s technologies, the old standby materials like cotton terrycloth have been elevated to a whole new level of softness and comfort. By introducing newcomer textiles such as microfiber and bamboo-based rayon to the options for construction, the luxury robe has achieved the nirvana of indulgence.
Unlike some of those “other” luxury items, a luxury robe is actually very practical. It can be your go-to item on a winter morning to ward off goose bumps, or it could be the soothing item you turn to when the spring rains get to be just a little too dreary. For the summer, a luxury robe is absorbent and light enough to wear after a swim or a Jacuzzi; and it’s just right for watching the autumn winds chasing the leaves across the yard. If you spill your coffee on it, you can just throw it into the washer, tumble it dry, and put it right back on to experience the same soft, fluffy comfort you wore when your luxury robe was brand new.
The softness, luxury, and practicality of a luxury robe make it a gift that would be deeply appreciated by everyone: a sense of home for a college student heading off to the dorm; the perfect snuggle factor for a new mother; or a soothing wrap for someone who’s experiencing health issues. It’s the ultimate “feel-good” gesture. Walter Bagehot obviously knew the importance of everyday luxuries in his time—too bad he was born too early to know about luxury robes!